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If you are not remembered,

Did you ever really exist?


Who are you at any given moment? 

we beings are continually evolving and

we display different external personalities

from our internal being.


How could I possible know who my

mother was or would be;

she died in medias res


She hovers in the middle world

she is petrified like a fossil



These persistent thoughts essentially conceived my project’s name and focus.   Traditionally the phrase "Still Life" denotes  “the subject matter of a still life painting or sculpture is anything that does not move or is dead” (“Tate”). 


In this definition, two components connect to my idea of still life:

(1) a scene that has no movement, usually containing inanimate objects; or

(2) the subject matter can be dead.


The next interpretation is still life as 


still life to live. 


From this angle, I must survive and navigate the world without my mother. I must

Still have life.


lack of movement, the deep introspection of a meditative state;

as in quieting the mind

is a still life. 


The three angles in conjunction form a trinity:


three connected corners of mother loss. 


Each angle can work independently but together they reinforce


the profound intricate consequences of mother loss. 

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